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 Post subject: Harrow MTB'er returning to the beloved sport
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:44 am 
Posts: 20
Hi all,

As the title suggests, I've decided that mountain biking has been out of my life for too long so I went and bought myself a new bike to get myself back into things!

I used to ride mainly DH and freeride (with a bit of XC to get to the spots) and I guess now, I would be looking to fit into the AM catagory, with a bit of DH and freeride thrown in.

My bike is a Cannondale Prophet if that helps give you any idea of what direction I'll be heading in!

Anyway, I don't really know anybody who rides near me anymore (all my old riding buddies have either moved away or stopped riding!) so if anybody is up for a meet over the coming weekends, feel free to give me a shout!

Disclaimer: I haven't ridden off road for about 6 years now so there's every chance I might be.....ahem....slightly rubbish now :)

 Post subject: Re: Harrow MTB'er returning to the beloved sport
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:32 am 
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Posts: 3602
Welcome back to MTB! You’re a brave man taking the sport back up this time of year! There is a real mix of riding on this Forum everything from XC racing to uplift DH so feel free to get stuck in and tag along to any of the rides. Where did you go riding when u were doing DH stuff 6 years ago?

 Post subject: Re: Harrow MTB'er returning to the beloved sport
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:25 pm 
Posts: 20
Thank you :P This is as good a time as any :) I used to ride up at Aston Hill and Wendover quite alot. Besides that, when I went to uni, I moved onto the New Forest although I never felt like I came across the really good trails (so I'd be interested to see them at some point!). Then I had my pride and joy nicked and I haven't ridden since - that was 6/7 years ago!

Anyhow, my Prophet arrived today - I put it together as soon as I got home and I cannot wait to get out and about on it! I will most definitely be looking to ride asap - most likely this coming Sunday so I'll have a browse through the forum pages and see what's happening :)

What about you - where do you ride/what do you ride?

 Post subject: Re: Harrow MTB'er returning to the beloved sport
PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:21 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 1429
Welcome Alex,

New Forest is a beutiful place to ride, just got to watch out for those wondering horses on the lanes


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