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 Post subject: Aston Hill - Friday 18th and/ or Saturday 20th April?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:02 pm 
Posts: 8
Hi all,

This will be my first trip out since arriving in London... exciting times :D

I'm a pretty inexperienced downhiller, so will be taking it pretty steady, but I want to go check out Aston Hill's various offerings on either Friday 18th or Saturday 20th... or both if Friday goes well! I hear Sunday could be pretty soggy, and that Aston is pretty gnarly in the wet...?

Anybody up for showing me around? Could win yourself a pint if I finish in one piece!



 Post subject: Re: Aston Hill - Friday 18th and/ or Saturday 20th April?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:01 pm 
Posts: 959
Location: harlow
Will be there Saturday for black run practise as I'm sure a few others will be too mate. Devinci Wilson wearing bright green shorts,around 10 am.

 Post subject: Re: Aston Hill - Friday 18th and/ or Saturday 20th April?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:24 pm 
Posts: 8
Nice one Hannibal,

I'm getting the train up, so not sure what time I'll be there... around 12:00/ 13:00 I suppose.

Might see you there, but not on the black run, unless I'm lost!

I'm on a white Big Hit Spec (old skool) in whatever clothes I can afford to bleed/ put rips in!

 Post subject: Re: Aston Hill - Friday 18th and/ or Saturday 20th April?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:24 am 
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Posts: 1335
Bob. I've fancied Aston hill for a while and will get train up too, will check train times, etc when I get to work and post back, Friday looks good and then weather gets crapier by the looks of it.

 Post subject: Re: Aston Hill - Friday 18th and/ or Saturday 20th April?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:09 am 
Posts: 8
Friday or Saturday is good for me Andy, but prefer Saturday... let me know later what you think, and I'll stay off the beers tonight if tomorrow is better! I'm also relying on Evans to have my new BB fitted... I'm supposed to be collecting tonight.

Looks like the weather should hold until Sunday, fingers crossed.

I'll be jumping on the train at Harrow-on-the-Hill going to Wendover, £12 return.

As I said though, I'm a bit of a beginner, with minimal kit. Having said that, I'm keen to progress, and need people to show me the way :)

Cheers for getting in touch.

 Post subject: Re: Aston Hill - Friday 18th and/ or Saturday 20th April?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:18 am 
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Posts: 1335
Im in Essex so Ill check on train times, ..oh and weather, I think Friday is best weather wise, Sun looks crap and Saturday did mention rain later.

Ill see if I can get on at Harrow or it might have to be Kings X (or wherever they go from).

 Post subject: Re: Aston Hill - Friday 18th and/ or Saturday 20th April?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:33 am 
Posts: 8
Righto mate, let me know what you reckon.

 Post subject: Re: Aston Hill - Friday 18th and/ or Saturday 20th April?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:50 am 
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Posts: 1335
Had a look. Sat does look best, weather looks ok and as on my local line is slower Sunday service on Friday plus that gives us both time to sort bikes out, I want to double check my UST tyres, back is going flat slowly.

Ill get on at marlebone so can hopefully arrange to get same train an Ill see you at Harrow.

Ill drop you PM


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