Post subject: P.O.R.C charity race day sunday 14th September
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:35 pm
Posts: 1429
A lot of guys off there will already know Nick Tonks and his bike servicing business Pedal worx. Not a lot of you will know that his lovely wife, Leanne. At the beginning of last year she was diagnosed with cancer, something that does effect a lot of people unfortunately. Thankfully she is doing well and on the mend now. At the time Nick ended up organising a charity race day at the bull track with great success with everything saying the same thing of "I had so much fun, with we could do it again", lucky for you he has!
The format is quiet simple, use a course that readable by all abilities but fun and fast enough for the bigger boys, get as many people involved, race and have fun.
Course preview but there will be some changed, the dropoff will not be used, nor the gap jump
INFO "Target to beat from last year £1680 ! ! ! - After our race expenses, we will donate the rest to the fund. - If you can't race then please donate at - It's a fun day so get dressed up and lets have fun. - To race you have to wear something pink even if it's just a ribbon.
! ! ! Important Information About Your Race Registration: ! ! ! NB: Please state the NAME of the rider you are paying for in the message box on PayPal when making your payment !
Please people: Entering online vastly reduces the amount of time you would normally spend registering on the day. It also makes for a much more streamlined event, where we are able to get the admin out of the way prior to the event, so we can concentrate on the important things on Race day and make it a kick ass event for you, the riders.
It also means that Mikro-Time has the rider details prior to the event and doesn't have to correlate this information on race day, which can lead to a later race start time and typo errors. We implemented the online booking to enable us to run a more efficient, streamlined operation to ensure riders get the most bang for their buck and have 3 timed runs.
We aim to make our race series one of the best grass roots racing events.
Categorise: 1. Juvenile Men 12-14 2. Youth Men 15-16 3. Junior Men 17-18 4. Senior Men 19-29 5. Master Men 30-39 6. Veteran Men 40 Plus 7. Women 12 Plus 8. Young Ripper Under 12
Event Details: Entry is limited to 170 riders. 150 online and 20 on the day! Cost £20 per rider on a first come first basis. Sign on 8:00AM until 10:30AM.
Track walk (not open for riding) 7:30AM - 8AM Practice 8AM - 10:45AM Race Starts +/- 11:00AM 3 race runs ! Lunch +/- 1:30PM
Prize Giving +/- 4PM Prizes for the top 3 in all categories and a Juice Lubes 69er prize for the rider that comes 69th in the race.
Also a minimum of 3 raffles, number boards are used for the draw so return them please.
Free Parking.
Camping is available.
Timing is provided by Mikrotime.
Medics and Marshals are provided.
Mechanic track side support and spares provided by Whisper Bikes.
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