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 Post subject: Mountain of hell/ Megavalanche-stupidly long shot...
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:49 pm 
Posts: 136
There were three; now there are two...

If you are planning on taking part in these two races or will be out in Alp d'huez or LDA, and don't currently have any accommodation or transport, ping me your mob, as we have 2 beds and airport transfers available.

Details are as follows:
Transfers from Geneva airport to LDA late Thu 12th, evening. Comfortable, secure accommodation, with bed, shower, cooking facilities etc from Thu to Wed 18th. We transfer on the Wed to Alp d'huez. Same deal with accommodation ie. comfortable, secure, with shower etc. We have a transfer booked to take us back to Geneva airport for a Sun pm flight, after the race.

We've been let down by one of our group, so are trying to recoup the shortfall. Therefore, cost of accommodation at each location is £12 per night. Cost of transfers is £160 in total. You may have transfers already sorted or accommodation and only require one element. Drop me a line and let's talk!

Nb. As a result of the last minute drop out, we also have 1 x race entry for the Mountain of Hell (sold out) & the meg, both available at cost

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