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 Post subject: North Downs downhill. Where?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:19 pm 
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Posts: 21
Location: London, UK

reading the essexhertsmtb site i found: You can do everyhting from hardcore XC to hardcore DH referred to the North Downs.

Is anyone albe to give more specific advice as to where should I look for the DH stuff? Anything from a town name, postcode, hill name... even a google earth screenshot. I just wouldnt know where to go, and it seems a little pointless to drive all the way just in the hope I come across the right place!

Thank you,


 Post subject: Re: North Downs downhill. Where?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:11 pm 
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Posts: 3602
Hey Matt - N Downs is a big place so taking a bike out there riding round it is the only real way of finding the stuff.

Winterfold Wood is great for DH as is bit of Holmbury. A DH bike is probably overkill for a lot of it though . 5-6inch Trail bikes cover most bases in the N Downs.

Pull out strava heatmap / cross reference with strava segement explorer - point it at Peaslake - head south - and research from there. Good DH trails in include fly tipper, northern monkey, thick and creamy but there is load more dotted around

 Post subject: Re: North Downs downhill. Where?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:17 am 
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Posts: 21
Location: London, UK
Thanks Jon!
How long would you say the runs are? Any run particularly technical? I'm looking for a training ground that is not 3h drive from home (London) and hoped this could be it. I'm getting bored of Porc and Aston Hill!

 Post subject: Re: North Downs downhill. Where?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:13 pm 
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Posts: 420
Have to agree with Jon, outright DH, you’ve got Aston Hill, Rogate, Woburn, Chicksands, PORC.

Pitch Hill in the North Down offers a bit of DH, but were talking no more than 20-30 second runs. Trail/AM bikes are more than enough for everything there.

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