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 Post subject: Pump track protection
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:58 pm 
Posts: 388
Location: near Basildon
Obviously the pump track beckons.

Being somewhat of a freeride/downhill/aeronaut I favour being padded n protected.

You'll see me razzing the offerings of trail builders and mother earth whilst being clad in a full face and googles, full arm guards, gloves and with knee and shin guards.

Now, being aware that pretty much all the riders at this new pump track will be 10yrs to 15yrs old and riding some random thing I have to a concerning thought.

Being aware that the forces of gravity can create pain and suffering to even the most ardent of rider; how much protection is too much in this realm?

Do you think that full garb is reasonable or should I go for the simple lid, elbow pads and my leg stuff?

I'm concerned at looking like the crazy guy in the park to the less educated.

What's the consensus? I'm seriously thinking of only heading down there when there's another person to meet or a group of us.

It's shit that you gotta think about this nowadays.

 Post subject: Re: Pump track protection
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:23 am 
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Posts: 3548
Location: essex
Who cares how silly u look wear what is needed for the day, if no one is there u can wear bugger all, if its busy pad up

Bike pics

 Post subject: Re: Pump track protection
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:02 am 
User avatar
Posts: 2166
Location: The land were time forgot
As above.
Your look more silly with blood leaking from your ears!

 Post subject: Re: Pump track protection
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:31 am 
Posts: 551
Where what you like, who cares what a bunch of 10-15 year olds think. In fact rocking up in full on armour head to toe and crashing on the first jump would probably make their day.

 Post subject: Re: Pump track protection
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:38 am 
Posts: 355
Location: Hertford
Having ridden a couple of pump tracks I would say one thing to bear in mind is they are quite a physical work out but relatively low consequence of a stack (and low likelyhood). I dont think pump tracks in general are built for huge moves or features. (I have ridden the one at woburn with no pads and a pisspot lid and felt more than comfortable but exhausted after 30 mins)

So I would be inclined to wear less and not a full facer - but my expereince of pump tracks is the jumps arent that big - no gap jumps. Normally everything rollable so you can start slow and build your speed. If you then get to a speed or see a move where you think you need a full facer then grab it from the car.

Other wise enjoy it for what it was designed for (a workout physically and for technique) rather than a source of adrenalin.

Thats my two penneth.

 Post subject: Re: Pump track protection
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:41 am 
Posts: 355
Location: Hertford
One last thing - pump your tyres up to 60psi, and if you are taking suspension the less the better and get it a firm as possible! Or you will really be in for a work out!!!!

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