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 Post subject: Does anyone here run a CC DB Inline CS shock?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:17 pm 
Posts: 345
If so, does your climb switch click past the recess that the pin follows under the switch
The one I've just bought does, the switch goes slightly past what looks like it's natural stop.
If you look closely under the switch, you will see a pin that follows a recess that is in the switch. My CS rotates slightly past the deeper holes in each end of the recess.

I'm wondering if the CS on mine has been installed correctly? It might be sitting a little high.

Specialized Enduro Comp 2015

 Post subject: Re: Does anyone here run a CC DB Inline CS shock?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:24 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 1429
Yep running one on the banshee, have not looked that closely at it, but in ride its at 3 O'clock, in pro pedel it goes to 4:30 O'clock. if that makes sence


 Post subject: Re: Does anyone here run a CC DB Inline CS shock?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:35 pm 
Posts: 345
Thanks. The CS is in the correct place for on and off. You will have to look underneath the switch to see the pin and the recess that I am talking about. It's probably fine, I'm just anal about these things, and I bought is from eBay as 'just serviced by tftuned'.

Specialized Enduro Comp 2015

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