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 Post subject: Any early morning pre-work riders, Wormley & Broxbourne?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:57 am 
Posts: 11
Hi guys,

New to MTB but not new to cycling, I actually Time-Trial and wanted to try something completely different on the bike.

Live near Royston and I cycle to work in Borehamwood once per week, and figured as I pass close to Wormley and Broxbourne woods anyway I might as well do it on the MTB, leave earlier and get nearly an hour of trails in.

Does anyone do any early morning rides? I would get to Wormley at about 6.40am and need to get out about 7.30am.

Obviously with the sunrise coming later and later there is only scope to do this for the next 5 weeks, but having never ridden there I'm keen to learn the best routes and explore. Beats getting lost and being late for work, the puncture excuse can only last so long :)

Planning on starting this Friday, 22nd.

 Post subject: Re: Any early morning pre-work riders, Wormley & Broxbourne?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:04 am 
Posts: 11
Well I did it, and promptly got slightly lost in the woods! In the end could only spend 45 mins in there which isn't enough really, without knowing the routes and the ways out without just doubling back.

Will be back for more.

 Post subject: Re: Any early morning pre-work riders, Wormley & Broxbourne?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:50 pm 
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Posts: 118
I would recommend peeling off into Broxbourne using the footpath just before Brickendon ..(There' s a stile to hump over).
Keeping heading SW through the wood. Come out in either of the two carparks.
Road down to Wormley, pick up the cinder BridlePath ( between the carparks) and roll this down to the ford & up the other side, then round and down to pick up the road again at the bottom of Darnicle Hill.
Up to New Gate St. and Carbone Hill will get you to work.
If its wet or you are stuck for time leave out Broxbourne,
Once you get the hang of layout, use the Footpath which skirts round the top of Calais Wood and dive down the west Side of Wormley, for some proper MTB'ing.

There's good video of someone doing most of this route as a commute
commute.JPG [ 48.34 KiB | Viewed 1314 times ]
 Post subject: Re: Any early morning pre-work riders, Wormley & Broxbourne?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:51 pm 
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Posts: 118

banner999 shredding Broxbourne Woods on his daily commute

 Post subject: Re: Any early morning pre-work riders, Wormley & Broxbourne?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:30 pm 
Posts: 11
Awesome, thanks.

 Post subject: Re: Any early morning pre-work riders, Wormley & Broxbourne?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:19 am 
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Posts: 24
Location: Hertford
You cycle 43 miles to work?? I hadn't considered doing even my 15 mile commute (Hertford to Southgate) by bike but might look into it.
The only trouble is, no showers at work...

 Post subject: Re: Any early morning pre-work riders, Wormley & Broxbourne?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:06 am 
Posts: 11
It's only once a week! And would be 36 mile direct. Coming from a road background I'm used to the miles and replaces the weekend ride.

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