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 Post subject: Pembury wales Sun 02-04-2017
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:02 am 
Posts: 635
Hi all what a race . Left at 7.00pm Sat . arrived eventually at 2.30am . Slept ok at start then van got cold . Rough to say the least . Woke up at 8.00am with vehicles and people all around. Race started at 10.45am 709 16 out of 17 starters . 3 laps to do done 2 of them . Good course 5mile (7.9 km ) High climbs steep downs not many b lines .
Though I crossed the line never handed in the Tag on leg still got it as found it on my leg when I got to bed.....
Presume reason got a Did Not Finish . After being encouraged by the officials (Wanted to start the next race.) .
Lesson learned . having a debate with Brit. Cycling over it.
Also the fact that MSG races have sold out and no chance of getting in top 30 for points .
Really enjoyed Wales good race and lots of new riders in my group causing the regulars a lot of concern as knocked of the top spots ....
Got home at 6.00pm Sunday.
Next Race MSG Henham , Nats at Reading on 22.04.17.

 Post subject: Re: pembury wales Sun 02-04-2017
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:39 pm 
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Posts: 2166
Location: The land were time forgot
Well done Bob :thumbup:
Sleep in van you nutter, you'll be fast if sleeped in a bed!

 Post subject: Re: pembury wales Sun 02-04-2017
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:55 pm 
Posts: 635
Happy days , they put 36 points up for MSG 1 Now MSG 2 and Nat put me from not listed to 8 th place , am at 28 at the moment . (Unless they give the others some points as well.
Bad news 8 in the race for Reading was only 4 a couple of days ago.
Not worth paying from 2.30pm to 8.00am .
rough rider as well (did not shave either ....)

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