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 Post subject: Thorndon rides??
PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:00 am 
Posts: 66
Hi all, recently got back into MTB again and am desperate to ride Thorndon. Have been there before but don't really know where to go???? Problem I have is that I work shifts and can't always get to the regular rides, I keep an eye on the forums etc but there's not always much info.

Can anyone give me an idea of when the regular rides are or PM me their contact details and keep me in the loop so I can start coming out???

Just brought some lights so when they arrive I'll be able to make the night rides :thumbup:

Got a Spec HT and FSR gagging to be used more!!!!!



 Post subject: Re: Thorndon rides??
PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:14 pm 
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Posts: 1429
Hi welcome along, I know thorndon very well (only live around the corner) and normally get over there one or two times a week. The problem at the moment is winter. Thorndon does get very boggy in places so for the next two-three months i we tend to do urban loops or ride else where that deal with winter better (bedgeberry, swinley, peaslake ect). Normally out locally tuesday night rides and sometimes thursdays at the moment, place is very quick at times though


 Post subject: Re: Thorndon rides??
PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:22 pm 
Posts: 66
Yeah I've found my local trails (if you can call them that) to be quite boggy in places. I spoke to UGO who has given me some times of meets and hoping to get out on the night rides, only work in Orsett so can get down after work.

Pace wise I'm not that fast but have ridden with a few groups over the years and can usually keep up enough not to cause any issues, been riding a bit recently to get back into shape

Hopefully catch up with you soon



 Post subject: Re: Thorndon rides?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:18 am 
Posts: 47
tomorrow morning at 9 at warley kart centre for a little ride of a couple of hours.
P.S. of course if Matt will come it will be much better as Matt is the best Thondorm guide.
Matt will you with us?

 Post subject: Re: Thorndon rides??
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:45 am 
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Posts: 1429
Lol flattering won't get you anywhere, although cake will...

I can't do tonight as got a day trip to wales in the morning. Got out over there last night at short notice, muddy as well on the paths but the trails were holding out not too bad


 Post subject: Re: Thorndon rides??
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:25 am 
Posts: 47
Enjoy Wales Matt!!!

 Post subject: Re: Thorndon rides??
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:04 am 
Posts: 66
Cheers but I'm away this weekend, but I will get to a ride as soon as I can!! Hard balancing work/family etc - got a 3 year and 8 month old, hard work bit hopefully get more free time soon as kids start childminder next year.

Please keep me informed of rides though, I am gagging to get out :thumbup:

 Post subject: Re: Thorndon rides??
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:35 am 
Posts: 47
No worries mate!!!
follow the forum and you will always find someone to ride with.
have a good weekend

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