Hi Duckem,
theres gonna be two very fit riders tomorrow and one very good rider plus maybe another and me at the back.
The plan is to ride all/most of the day so i always take it very easy on the way up and hammer the downs. That way we can ride all day.
Be nice to have company at the back
Heres some stats, this was a very hot day, so a lot more stopping/chatting/cake eating than usual
Distance: 19.44 mi
Time: 2:36:52
Avg Speed: 7.4 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,693 ft
Calories: 1,673 C
Time: 2:36:52
Moving Time: 2:31:21
Elapsed Time: 5:37:20
Avg Speed: 7.4 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 7.7 mph
Max Speed: 22.7 mph
Elevation Gain: 2,693 ft
Elevation Loss: 2,702 ft
SurferEv also posted some stats on pg 8 from the EssexHerts group ride
Distance 19.80 miles
Duration 3h:56m:24s
Avg Speed 5.0 mph
Max Speed 21.6 mph
Calories 1381 kcal
Altitude 257 ft / 936 ft
Elevation 2257 ft ↑ / 1485 ft ↓
Although not sure about the difference between up and down elevation, maybe he spent 800ft in the air
Id never stop anyone joining us so you are more than welcome.
We could possibly split into two groups at various points, let the others stretch their legs and the others can play on the more technical trails there.
EDIT: just PM'd you start time and location.