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 Post subject: Greensands tomorrow
PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:04 pm 
Posts: 355
Location: Hertford
So chaps

tomorrow I plan to load the hard tail in car and check out this place for a few hours. anyone not doing cannock that fancies some jumps I will see you there (Red honda civic, yellow Evil Faction with halo rims).


 Post subject: Re: Greensands tomorrow
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:54 am 
Posts: 355
Location: Hertford
Well - got there and had forgotten my pump and my tryes were too flat to ride - no one had a pump! Hey ho.

Ended up spending 4 hours digging some dirt jumps with a group of 16 year olds - surprisingly good fun!

The 4x looks really good - a lot more features in it than chickie, the same with the dual which I think is better than chickie, the jump line looks great and some of the dirt jumps are epic. The line we were building is more of a beginner / intermediate and looks really nice (i.e better for me). Definitely a place to have a lot of fun on a hardtail / jump bike but would still be fun on a full susser. A lot of the guys were riding BMX so dust it off in the shed Jon and bring it out to play!

Also there are a few drop offs to steep around the edge of the quarry - real sandy soil. I reckon on taking the DH bike and cutting a few hucks in there. Its the sort of place where you get chatting to the guys - spot a potential line and they would probabaly drive the digger over to build it there and then.

They have a 4x comp this weekend - looks pretty laid back - am going to go will post seperately.


 Post subject: Re: Greensands tomorrow
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:36 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 3602
Even more reason for me to get a Htail sorted dammm youuuuuUUU.

Nice write up mate - do you think it will make for a good winter riding spot with all that sand?

Loving the idea of building our own lines.

 Post subject: Re: Greensands tomorrow
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:37 pm 
Posts: 551
Sounds great

Jon - i have a frame and fork comb which is due to be sold!!

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