There was sweet riding to be had again at Danbury.
The builders had done some needed work and the jumps were running great
Still can't believe how much differance changing my tyres has made to my bike. I now am so in love with it that the sheer thought of getting a FS bike makes me cringe

I know I kept banging on about the tyres but really was something extraordinary. I have felt all season that my bike was holding me back some how. Disc brakes needed? Need new wheels? New forks? Nope it was the tyres.
Going from 2.7F/2.5R dual ply, hard compound minions to 2.35F minions single ply in super tacky is like comparing Volvo handling to Lotus handling. Seriously.
If you were there today I apologise for my incessant remarks on tyre width and compound.
It was also the FIRST, SECOND and THIRD stack of the season for me today. The speed and handling offered by the black rubber round things meant it was sooooo easy to pump the trail, get air and carry pace.
All of these positives are what I think contributed to the stacks.
Stack one was so lame and annoying. Managed to pump a tiny table top/ hump that I propelled too wide leading to another table top and had to bail as went wide. Id done this line a qua-billion times too

Stack two was coming out of a bomb hole and doing sessioned and trusted dab on rear brake and weight shift to propel forward and carry more momentum instead of reaching the sky and losing power. Once again, the insane amounts of grip meant that I kept uber-low and launched forward. Towards a tree. Bail out required.
Stack three. Yes boys and girls, numero trois, was going down the drop line, and launching off the final step a bit too keen and landing onto a banked bit of mud/ impromptu berm which bounced me off nicely, landlng hard to my left elbow and side of head. The £30 Korean full face did well, as did the raceface elbow pads. I'm pretty certain I wouldnt be typing now otherwise. Hurts enough that lifting stuff up is pretty challenging though.
Then the pain meant home time early. Balls.
It was good meeting up with a rather tired looking Vin (who did a notably sweet take off and landing of the big table) and Damo (shouldve come with you to Warley now- might of been sans injury?).
Not to mention the american trail builder guy was there. Nice to say thanks to a really good bloke.
Hopefully the board will gain a new member by way of some polite Welsh guy on a FS Giant who i spoke to and advised about the forum. He was well chuffed that flat Essex had something to ride after moving FROM Afan! Poor dude!
So the report conclusion from me is that tyre choice does make a differance [period], I now need to start using my brakes and being stricter with my line choice, and everyone so far I've met from 'ere at rides have been sound.
Next stop Warley and Enfield
