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 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:13 pm 
Posts: 31
I did loose my rag at one point as it was just ridiculous dangerous as people just would not listen or use common sense there needs to be some signs put up before some one gets hurt then the place will be shut down its just my opinion but i think it would help

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:19 pm 
Posts: 31
You should have seen mark he nearly died how he missed that tree ill never know

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:47 pm 
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Posts: 537
Brad wrote:
trax wrote:
No problems yesterday morning, which is just as well with a group of 11 riders hammering down the runs! And me struggling to keep up!

I modified your comment :)

I blame the dust, should have gone back to the car for my goggles ;)

I used to be a lot like you but now I'm only me

 Post subject: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:43 pm 
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Posts: 70
Location: Southend
Yep ginge that was very very close, he just don't know how close. It would have been a trip to a&e if he did hit it.

Specialized sx trail 2

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:51 pm 
Posts: 145
Told you matt, he wont learn and needs someone to hold his hand, he is stupid

 Post subject: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:40 pm 
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Posts: 70
Location: Southend
Just one of those things pyro I had a big stack, went over the bars at the top of a bomb hole, ended up sliding up the other side on my back. It was awesome!!! You should give it a go. Oh yeh and I head butted a tree thanks to the kids on the runs.

Specialized sx trail 2

Last edited by Matt on Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:44 pm 
Posts: 145
No chance, dont wanna do jumps, would break either myself or the bike

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:12 pm 
Posts: 31
You dont have to jump dude danbury is that kind of place if you want to jump you can if you dont then you can roll everything my mate that came along his shock is a bit worse for wear ie it only has rebound and its stuck on fast so it springs back quicker than a Ethiopian chasing a big mac and he rolled most of it

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:43 pm 
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Posts: 3548
Location: essex
I was down there on saturday and there were so many kids sessioning the big bombhole and walking back up

me and my mate went to talk to them but it fell on deaf ears.

on one run we came through and there was a bike in the bombhole and loads of them shouting bike!

i was on a white specialized pitch pro with a red lid and my mate steve was on a dmr .

was brilliant conditions as far as the dirt was concerned.

I wish they would level out the access road to the big car park my bora is scraping all the way in and out now!

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 Post subject: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:51 pm 
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Posts: 70
Location: Southend
Yep the kid walked to the top of the bomb hole and dropped his bmx down it. I was just getting up after my controlled stack and saw him do it. If you had come down then you would have got hurt, they don't realise the consequences to their actions.

Specialized sx trail 2

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:02 pm 
Posts: 31
Well im making some signs and going to get them laminated if anyone thinks this is a good bad idea let me know i just want to make it safe for everyone

 Post subject: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:18 pm 
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Posts: 70
Location: Southend
Great idea ginge. Did you get the vids?

Specialized sx trail 2

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:28 pm 
Posts: 31
Yeah man trust my bit to come out sideways so i had to find some unique way to stand on my side to watch it :lol: its cool i found it funny cheers for that dude. i found my old camera today 12megapixel all singing and dancing thing fuck knows how you use it :lol: but i have a tripod too so things could get interesting very soon

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:16 am 
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Posts: 3548
Location: essex
Good idea ginge, i'm suprised the main man down there hasn't done it himself.
also a shocking amount of them down there with no lid's!

Bike pics

 Post subject: Re: Anyone over Danbury this Saturday
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:31 am 
Posts: 31
The question how much does he care to be fair,if it is a dedicated riding spot like the dude says it is then how comes there is no trail maintenance crews no dig days some of the take off and landings are getting a bit worse for ware and could do with a spruce up in my opinion. As for no lids it should be no lid no ride this is what i mean by him saying its a dedicated riding spot if it was then surely lids would be mandatory. if rowen sorrell turned up to sign the place off as a official riding spot i think there would need to be a lot of work done

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