So a wicked day - met loads of friendly locals. Good fun hanging out with Majik, Brad and Stefan. Also drive down was super easy... I reckon sub 1h30.. now we know where it is.
Got pics up here sharpish as im off for a few days. I did seem to get a lot of pics of Brad

. Its easy to pick up his purple rims with the camera.
So Rogate first - very Woburn like with all the sand which made it a bit loose but a great alternative in winter
Lots of this - but its worth it

Rogate splits into 2 sections. The upper section which is classic downhill steep and rooty - it comes down from the ridge in the distance in the pic below. There are maybe 5 or 6 lines up there. They all end at the fireroad and are short but tech!
Then you hit the lower section. In this pic you can see three of the lines of the lower section - there is also one off to the left and 2 off to the right so plenty of choices.
They have to keep the lines taped for the forestry commission to be happy but it does keep you on track in the maze of runs.

The three middle lines feed into 3 tables mixed with berms - awesome fun and big and friendly.... just how i like my....

Another pic of the trail chaos... there was a great line with a gap step down ending in a beefy double over to the right.

Majik powering off a lip - he is the new test pilot for shadey jumps!

Hitting the big table

Brad was nailiing the big tables all day

Mini whip

Mooooar power

No photos please.. Stefan resplendent in Troy Lee

More style from brad

Christ - thats what u call a PUMP

But it was needed to clear this monster

Just below the fire road split... Top of the runs ridge line in the background

Brad hipping in

Cheeky behind tree tweak

One final ode to Brads table skills today

Final pic of Brad.. Blimey... hes everywhere!

No pics of Hindhead but the trails there are epic - we only did maybe 3 out of a possible 8 and they were
long, loose, rough, fast off camber and fruity rooty.. The push up is about as long as u can do without killing urself but for proper DH its a great spot. I missed the big bike there. Maybe not as winterproof a venue as Rogate and we were too tired by that point to really let rip. I will be going back for sure!