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 Post subject: Chicksands - Friday 8th
PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:36 pm 
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Posts: 3602
The leogang fellas are heading over to Chickie on Friday and have given me a shout. I haven't been there for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages so keen to see how its running. Open invite to anyone else who fancies it. Might wander over to Greensands while I am up there as i haven't been there yet.

Weather looks like it might be ok.

 Post subject: Re: Chicksands - Friday 8th
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:00 pm 
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Posts: 3602
So yea - Chicksands was excellent - havent been there for ages and to be honest have had little incentive to do so as all they seem to have been able to do over the last few years is remove shore. However there is still enough stuff there to keep you entertained for a day. The dual was good fun and flowing really smooth - no brakes top to bottom. The mini DH was good and running fast. We sessioned DH 6 (The Snake Run) for a while trying to clear the middle gap jump with mixed fortunes.. Then messed around on the shore and ladder drops and sessioned a really nice dirt step up. Highlight for me was clearing that shore step up the Tom cased a few years back and Chris got maximum stokage with this big fella of the ladder.


few more here (photo goodness from Ed)




rest of the pics in the gallery ... 5139980120

Good times> I really hope chicksands can get some new stuff going soon.

 Post subject: Re: Chicksands - Friday 8th
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:00 pm 
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Posts: 161
Great pics!

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