ggg wrote:
hey the table lookes good. I know what your saying about the next one so i kind of just attaked it. The take off was shit and the lannding was really steep and short so.. ha i dug it as a double with a gentle take off and through all the dirt from inbetween onto the down slope so its a lot longer and mellower, like the one between the trees but smaller. Ive also tried to build up one side so its got a angle on it to help you get round the corner. I think its going to need about another 20 barrows of dirt to really shape it up. I also think we should shape that burm into it to really send you round that corner. Anyway im shaterd ive shifted a shit load of dirt today and i need beer .... later
Nice one mate! Sounds ideal think its gonna be about building up as much speed as poss for the big jump that follows and then think of what to do next.
Have a good New year see you over there soon.