I’ve been meaning to write a couple of reports for ages not just quite got around to it, so here’s an update/few pics of the past couple of months…
I had been on the trips to Cham and Morzine in the summer, meeting up with the guys from the UK, but didn't actually get around to exploring Switzerland until more recently. The guys I’ve hooked up with do a lot of riding, but it’s not all full on lift assisted DH but more all mountain.
First proper ride in the mountains was a bit of a tour starting from Engelberg in central Switzerland. The trail was rated in a Swiss MTB mag as the longest piece of single trail in the country, and I think we added some more onto that. The whole ride was about 35km, 850 climbing and 2100m descending, but the climbing was really really tough (Jon, Tom - kind of like the walking trail we did back down in the PDS, but up not down!) Lots of walking, carrying, hike-a-bike which nearly killed me, dragging my bike up is not fun! But it was worth it, we used a couple of lifts at the start, but the main area we were riding in doesn't have lifts or anything so felt like proper backcountry/off piste riding, and topped off with a 1100m final descent. Route was basically
Then we did a trip over to the Klosters-Davos area, using the lifts a lot more here, the days total was around 38km, 250m up, 3700 down.
We went a lot higher here than I'd ever been before when riding, completely out of the usual grass/wooded/green alpine terrain up onto completely baron rocky trails. Starting on them and dropping down through rocks, scree slopes then onto woodland trails and heidi like alpine scenery back down in the valley gave a real mix of riding.

I didn't do the Maxi Avalanche race, the other guy who was interested decided not to do it in the end. But did spend a day in Flims where it was held for a DH day on the Runca trail. This is a dedicated MTB trail and has a fair bit of shore, wallrides jumps etc built into it. It’s around 7.5km long, it’s not that steep, but pretty fast and relentless. Pretty broken after 4 runs of it.
Coupe of weeks ago headed down to Ticino (Italian part of Switz), we went for some better weather as it’s on the Southside of the Alps, but that didn’t work out and we got rain and snow falling up on the top! Started at Monte Tamaro where there is a DH and Freeride park, but we were on a trail day, will have to return for those. Started with some really techy/steep rocky sections with do or die type drops to the side, then onto really nice flowy trails through big Chestnut forests.

This weekend went up to Todtnau bike park in the German Black Forest for the last weekend of their season. It just has a DH track and another general fun/easier trail. The DH track is pretty sweet, kind of like Aston Black on steroids - UK style wooded, steep, really really rooty course. Good fun and hard work, first time I’ve felt ‘under-biked’ over here! Will be back with a big bike one day..
Nice vid of the track
hereI’m not crashing, honestly..

I want to try and sort out a days riding back in the UK sometime, but apart from xmas, I’m not going to be back until next spring now, so will prob be then sometime.
But would be good to meet up for a beer around xmas if anyone’s around, poss after work in town on Thurs 23rd Dec?
Hope everyone, babies, bumps are well, catch up soon