Nicely summed up Evil - I think the chaps who run Aston Hill recently posted this up at which mirrors what has already been said
Unsurprisingly, for late November, it’s cold and it’s damp.
It hasn’t rained for a few days so it won’t be sloppy, but unless the ground stays frozen (which is possible on the north-facing elements of the Hill) conditions are going to be damp, so riding will either be incredible fun or downright madness (depending on your point of view). Wrap up warm, take food and hot drinks with you, and enjoy!
It is practically winter now, so well-treaded tyres are a must and dedicated winter/mud tyres are a good idea. As ever, read the essentials and the frequently asked questions if it’s your first time winter riding on the Hill – Aston Hill is a very different beast when the temperatures drop.
I hope you still decide to go as its well worth checking out - but if it is "carnage" don't let it put you off. I had an epic day there with Joel and Tom in the wet. Its a very different beastie in the dry. Its a really great place to DH! Let us know how you get on

Oh and somehow we have made it into their "People Worth Checking Out" section - sweet!