Theres a few gorricks races/events before brass monkeys: 12/12 is a good event and a great course, End of august and you could do it as a team? doing a few laps each.
The Autumn classic 1 at Tunnel Hill is meant to be one of the best courses around, rd 2 @ crowthorne is swinley and is a decent course though its my least fave gorrick course. Im a definate for autumn classic 1, 14th oct if anyones keen?
Was a strange year for the brass monkeys as winter was so dry, the courses were running better than the spring series. Spring series is good and theres lots of categories so you start in smaller groups and shorter races based on laps rather than time in the brass monkeys.
All gorricks are HT friendly, they make the climbs easier, though there tends to be a fair number of clown bikes at them now. No racing licence required either and normally have a great atmosphere.
Beastways good fun, a lot harder than they sound even though only an hour race.
If youve any questions, just ask...