Babies do seem to equal a missed year of riding dude.. that was me 12 months ago....always next year!
Here are a few pics which weren't in the vids
The reds in Chatel are fairly steep

But Champery is mind blowingly steep...

A pic of me looking like im going fast in a corner (even though im looking in the wrong place).. I had to put this in after I got heckled by Ben Walker and team Scott for going too slow.. GAS GAS GAS means speed up dude!

While driving In the middle of France we were given the ROCK sign by some other DHs, after they spotted our bikes - its now has to be used at every opportunity while biking

As seen here...... We had to drag Northen away from reading BIG Cross Country over lunch.... mmm lycra

Gary might have lost his brake pads on the mountain and not been able to get down the hill... but we decided it was more important to do a photo and to show we ROCK! Miraculously he found his missing pads up the hill.

Game face...

Futete on a sweet rock garden

cockernee on the first drop on the stash run... its so well built you don't notice its there

So thats enough pics vids from this trip... these go pros record frikin everything so may as well share.