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 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:16 pm 
Posts: 343
Dazer wrote:
Great day guys the runs are running so fast,we recorded the berm run at 54secs dont no if thats fast but certinly felt it. good to meet you muzza
& chris well done muzza for riding down the cayon :clap:
look farward to see the footage brad
Ant, healing vibes dude

cheers Dazer 8-) good to met you all, next step is drop into it at a faster pace, and get better speeds through the trails after ive worked out which one's what :wtf: :wtf:

MUST ORDER FLATS.......... its quite dodgey with normal pedals,,, foot slipped enough times. :shifty: :shifty:

MuZzA :high5:

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:42 pm 
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Posts: 385
Great to meet you guys today! I'll play about with my gopro footage at some points, but for now here's Kelboy's crash ;)

(it really shows my caring side, slowing briefly to avoid his head then ploughing on :lol: ). Seriously though, hope the neck is feeling better with a bit of ice!

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:57 pm 
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Posts: 401
Location: harlow, Essex
Managed to get a couple of clips jumping the new gully! The first attempt i hit a bit fast hahaha ...

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:59 pm 
Posts: 276
Hahaha quality nice upload, yea the neck and knee is sore nd head still feels like I smacked it pretty

hey you did ask If i was ok lol

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:19 am 
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Posts: 3548
Location: essex
Ouch looked like a nasty fall all bundled upside down!

Nice vids of the gulley brad!
is it a lot bigger it doesn't seem much bigger from the footage but then stuff always looks a bit smaller on film

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 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:40 am 
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Posts: 401
Location: harlow, Essex
Yeh the footage doesn't do it justice. It's bigger but easier if that makes sense.

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:43 am 
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Posts: 1542
Location: South Ockendon
Nice vid, Kudos on doing the gap, need to sort my shit out and get it done myself :)

I'd rather ride me bike than the Wife..

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:45 am 
Posts: 343
Im hot on ya heels festa!!!! better get cracking!!! ;)

MuZzA :high5:

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:48 am 
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Posts: 1542
Location: South Ockendon
MuZzA wrote:
im hot on ya heels festa!!!! better get cracking!!! ;)

MuZzA :high5:

nice one mate, your hooked :D

clear the table top first if you havent already as similar distance..

I'd rather ride me bike than the Wife..

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:49 am 
Posts: 276
nwmlarge wrote:
ouch looked like a nasty fall all bundled upside down!

Nice vids of the gulley brad!
is it a lot bigger it doesn't seem much bigger from the footage but then stuff always looks a bit smaller on film

vid doesnt do it justice tbh, another landing like that and Ill already need a new lid, its had a few smacks before but that was like being hit by sledgehammer, Some people advised going to the docs to get my head checked but I feel fine, dull ache but no blurry vision or anything at all.

I wanted to do the gap jump before they changed it but its gonna be a while before attempting anything like that especially now they changed it :(

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:26 am 
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Posts: 401
Location: harlow, Essex
Muzza iv got that footage of you dropping in the canyon and me following you over a jump. Il try post them
Up tonight if I get a chance.

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:36 am 
Posts: 343
bigbrad wrote:
Muzza iv got that footage of you dropping in the canyon and me following you over a jump. Il try post them
Up tonight if I get a chance.

nice one :thumbup: cant wait to see it,

MuZzA :high5:

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:42 am 
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Posts: 3548
Location: essex
kellboy wrote:
nwmlarge wrote:
ouch looked like a nasty fall all bundled upside down!

Nice vids of the gulley brad!
is it a lot bigger it doesn't seem much bigger from the footage but then stuff always looks a bit smaller on film

vid doesnt do it justice tbh, another landing like that and Ill already need a new lid, its had a few smacks before but that was like being hit by sledgehammer, Some people advised going to the docs to get my head checked but I feel fine, dull ache but no blurry vision or anything at all.

I wanted to do the gap jump before they changed it but its gonna be a while before attempting anything like that especially now they changed it :(

don't be too disheartened mate

perhaps go out for a rip about in a different woods and get used to running trails rather than all the crazy stuff
i do it every now and then keeps you flowing better, danbury is a bit too point and squirt to make you a rounded rider

Bike pics

 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:45 am 
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Posts: 1335
kellboy wrote:
nwmlarge wrote:
ouch looked like a nasty fall all bundled upside down!

Nice vids of the gulley brad!
is it a lot bigger it doesn't seem much bigger from the footage but then stuff always looks a bit smaller on film

vid doesnt do it justice tbh, another landing like that and Ill already need a new lid, its had a few smacks before but that was like being hit by sledgehammer, Some people advised going to the docs to get my head checked but I feel fine, dull ache but no blurry vision or anything at all.

I wanted to do the gap jump before they changed it but its gonna be a while before attempting anything like that especially now they changed it :(


 Post subject: Re: Danbury sun 12 aug
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:39 pm 
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Posts: 401
Location: harlow, Essex
Lol like it Andy!

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