LOL - still thobbin mate
So yea great day at herts - dryish and started to put lines together which is an achievement in itself.
The only one I really got dialled was one which starts out on a sea saw - climbs to about 8ft up then drops down - then climbs back up onto this ladder drop (Evil in green)

then it runs into this wooden berm (see pics below)
(me in blue)

and then into a step up and step down - such good fun!!! Super nice
What didn't feel nice was getting blown off a 5ft wooden ladder drop by the wind and dropping face first into the dirt - Only sore balls to report as an injury which was dam lucky!
Evil was riding well all day and had the berm and hip step downs nailed. He is a smooth mo fo these days.
Brad turned up later on to watch me punish my plums - what did you think of it mate?
Good times!