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 Post subject: Best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:31 pm 
Posts: 167
Location: Central London
Hey all,
being the experienced bunch of riders that you are, I thought you be able to share a few worthwhile tips and tricks you've learned along the way that have made you a better rider.

I wanted to focus less on tech upgrades, and more on general riding techniques.

Not that I'm an expert or anything, but if I was asked for mine it would be:
1) to take on corners in a standing position and to turn from the hips. I've tried it at the local pump track and on trails and it's the best advice I've had. It's allowed me to get low on bermed turns and carry speed through the entire turn.
2) to get my elbows out. good for stability and to save those aching wrists, especially on a pump tracks.
3) to tilt my pedals back with my heels over rough ground to avoid being bounced out of the saddle. especially on a hardtail.

anyway - I want to know yours! hook us all up.

 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:34 pm 
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Speed is your friend
Let the bike do the work

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 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:42 pm 
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Look where you want to go

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 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:46 pm 
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Posts: 341
Location: Southend
Get over the front into a berm and over the back on the way out. This'll make you pump it and look like a pro if you get on the pedals early as the front up just floats up when you get it right - not very often for me... I'm usually hanging on trying not to crash.

 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:50 pm 
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Posts: 1335
Ive picked up some tips on my recent trips to France.

Similar to coney's.


Stand up, pedal facing the berm down, elbows out, knee out facing exit of berm, look at exit of berm.

Speed definately is your friend, you flow better over bumps, rocks and get less fatigue, trouble has a downside should you come off !

Northshore..DONT TOUCH YOUR FRONT BRAKE and be careful with your back one too.


 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:14 pm 
Posts: 238
Through corners weight your outside foot and the inside hand, stay off your brakes and trust in your tyres..

 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:22 pm 
Posts: 291
Good to see someone else saying speed is your friend, no one believes me but it's true.

Stand up when going downhill or over things.

Get your outside foot down when going round corners for more grip and lean the bike not your body.

Think positively and stay relaxed, tensing up is bad and will lead to crashes, oh and also don't look at something too long, visulise what you want to do and go for it.

The last one, which is more personal preference, if I see a tight corner, I mean more than very tight foot down and moto it round, oh that is fun.

Lastly, don't follow me I have a tendancy to peel off and find a strange line when I get bored, twice people have followed and ended up worse for wear.

 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:06 pm 
Posts: 199
Stay loose
drop your heels and wrists so you under rotate on impact
look well ahead and not a foot in front of you
when cornering point your chest in the direction you want to go
follow a faster more experienced rider (but not MCHardmanUK unless you have a deathwish) and watch the lines they take,
for jumps and drops commit fully.
go get some professional coaching its expensive but worth every penny

 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:21 pm 
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Posts: 5060
After 3 decades of riding i'm going for professional training soon

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 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:14 am 
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Posts: 3548
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Game changer!

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 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:27 pm 
Posts: 167
Location: Central London
Some useful stuff guys! particularly the "drop the outside foot" thing lots have mentioned. super handy.

nwmlarge wrote:
look where you want to go

as simple as that sounds it's actually really important right?

saw this on chopMTB last friday. the girl reading the sign at the end of this illustrates your point rather well I think.

Neil wrote:
drop your heels and wrists so you under rotate on impact.

I'm not sure I follow that to explain further?

 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:52 pm 
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Posts: 3548
Location: essex
So true!

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 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:09 pm 
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Posts: 1335
Looks of riding tip clips on YouTube..some great..some shit.

Heres how to..eerr..crash .. ... re=related

 Post subject: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:02 pm 
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Posts: 311
Location: Chelmsford
Get your controls set up correctly, especially the brake levers. Relaxed one-fingered braking downhill saves arm-pump and builds confidence. Set up the lever stroke to a short distance with the lever nice and close to the grip so your index finger can just hang relaxed. Keep loose and low, bent knees and elbows and buy a Reverb, they can save you so much energy on changeable terrain.

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 Post subject: Re: Re: best riding tips
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:29 pm 
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Posts: 2166
Location: The land were time forgot
andydd wrote:
Looks of riding tip clips on YouTube

Yep Imbikemag Richard Kelly his video are good.

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