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 Post subject: Kielder/Newcastleton Riding
PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:51 pm 
Posts: 119
Hi All,

So I spent the weekend with the WXC team in Newcastleton at Rock UK. My first time climbing real hills and proper night ride with 20+ people - what an amazing sight seeing all those lights weaving through the misty forest :D

Anyone thinking of going and riding ther I'd say it's well worthwhile, lots of decent trails, Rock UK is also a great place to stay. I'll see if I can load some Garmin images for you.
File comment: Saturday ride, we rode part of the Kielder 100 course, stopped at Kielder Castle for lunch and then a 15 mile paced road ride back to Newcastleton - on MTB's?? Torture...
Kielder Cross Border Trail.JPG
Kielder Cross Border Trail.JPG [ 56.63 KiB | Viewed 887 times ]
File comment: This was our Friday night ride over the Exposure 24hr course
Exposure 24hr course.JPG
Exposure 24hr course.JPG [ 49.14 KiB | Viewed 887 times ]
 Post subject: Re: Kielder/Newcastleton Riding
PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:04 pm 
Posts: 119
Here's some more pics:
File comment: Rock UK cabins, complete with drying room (if you get the right one)
IMAG0275 (Medium).jpg
IMAG0275 (Medium).jpg [ 156.05 KiB | Viewed 885 times ]
File comment: Kielder Castle stopover for lunch
IMAG0257 (Medium).jpg
IMAG0257 (Medium).jpg [ 113.67 KiB | Viewed 885 times ]
File comment: Riding towards Kielder
IMAG0231 (Medium).jpg
IMAG0231 (Medium).jpg [ 134.52 KiB | Viewed 885 times ]
 Post subject: Re: Kielder/Newcastleton Riding
PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:49 pm 
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Posts: 3602
Hey Peet - great write up and loving the pics. i had never heard of so it was interesting reading about it. Sounds like a cool concept. Where do you normally ride?

There looks to be some fierce elevation on those routes you posted. I loved the week I did up in the borders a while back.

 Post subject: Re: Kielder/Newcastleton Riding
PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:26 pm 
Posts: 119
I'm the non-blonde one ;) WXC is only in it's 2nd year. They are trying really hard to get more women into competitive mtb'ing and seem to doing ok so far with a bunch of good sponsors. It was actually a team building weekend and a chance to get photos for the sponsors. The hills were hard, if you knew what my bike was like you would laugh as I was flying down the red routes with no rear brakes and no suspension :shock: :lol: New bike on the horizon though, hopefully in the next few weeks.

I tend to go to Epping when I can otherwise I'm doing laps around Trent Park. None of the wxc team live near each other so we never get to train together. Once I get my new bike I'll def be up for some longer rides, not got climbing legs yet but ok on the downhill. Desperate to get hold of a full face helmet and try some jumps and DH stuff though - can't believe all those fun jumps at Enfield trails are so close and I don't have the gear to play :( Might drop over on Sat with my camera and take some action shots though, haven't checked the place out yet.


 Post subject: Re: Kielder/Newcastleton Riding
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:20 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 3602
Enfield runs good in the dry but I imagine that in these conditions it wont be great. We are still doing a few Epping rides despite the stoggy mud. Hope to see you out on a ride once you have your bike all sorted!

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