luvinit wrote:
im riding my 80mm travel base model rockshocked rockhopper expert for as long as i dare before i think im going to damage it so i learn how to ride to the best of my ability and my bikes!
i am looking to get a bike with more freeride / downhill capabilities soon as my rockhopper is on a scheme and im going to be paying for it til next november! and i want to keep it solely for xc and going out with my daughter who is 8.
so my reasons are not for testosterone overload just common sense and progression / preservation.
i think you need to learn to ride a bike ...any bike ! before getting ideas above your station...much like your first car as a youngun!
brian 43½.....
My first car was a BMW 318is as a youngun, !!! followed by a scooby impreza wrx. The start of this year i sold my celica GT4 wrc ltd edtn. An now ride a yamaha yzf R125 untill i can be botherd to buy something bigger. The bike i currently ride is "shit" in a word.

i rode jedis bike yesterday , and i flet like there was a massive improvment. could i maual on my bike

no matter how hard i tryed.. could i on the Transition

first bloody go. What im trying to say is sometimes your tools can slow you down if you dont have the correct ones for the job. If you want to learn how to ride, visit , I did an cant recomend them enough. ( i now have real skills )
Mick 31 and 360 days!!