Grin wrote:
Hope he is OK

. Glad Woburn is still on the map. Looking to get there quite a bit this year along with Danbury and Aston at some point
Yeah I am fine- just a bruised inner thigh. Tried the second double on the Skyline, knew I didn't have enough speed but still went for it and landed slap bang on the apex of the down slope resulting in a cartwheel over the handlebars.
Now that Woburn is safe for the foreseeable future there is a lot of building going on mostly in the bowl above the dirt jumps. They have filled in the double at the end of the DT line so it is now a table top and on the Tranistion line at the bottom it forks onto three possible lines. It is all looking good though most of the new stuff is, for me, quite extreme and outside of my abilities.
It's £3.00 for a day pass or £18 now for an annual pass.
Finally what I revelation Maxxis are - no wonder they are so popular. Had a new Minion 2.5 Sticky-E on the front and new High Roller 2.35 Sticky-E on the back and the grip is just phenomenal: Gives you a lot of confidence enabling you to push harder. Apart form the crash it was my best seasion yet at Woburn as not once did a feel the grip was going to give. Rock on Maxxis