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 Post subject: Chicksands 19th saturday
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:29 am 
Posts: 31
Hi All,

been on here a few time but not met anyone for a ride yet. Me and a couple of mates are going chicksands tomorrow if anyone fances it?


 Post subject: Re: chicksands 19th saturday
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:41 pm 
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Posts: 3602
Hey faceplant - Cheers for the offer - on a training day tomorrow with Tranny , Gladice and Northern so wont be up that way. Let us know how chikie is - I heard reports of all the shore including the ladder drops going, which will be a real shame if true.

 Post subject: Re: chicksands 19th saturday
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:33 pm 
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Posts: 447
Karve wrote:
I heard reports of all the shore including the ladder drops going, which will be a real shame if true.

Already gone ive heard


 Post subject: Re: chicksands 19th saturday
PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:34 am 
Posts: 31
Hi Folkes,

Nearly all the shore has gone, only the wall ride remains, both ladder drops have been taken out. The guy said it was due to the cost of insuring them £25k. He also said they are going to redevelop the left hill area, they closed one of the DH runs too. They have done a fair amount of work on the dual slalom, its really quick and flowing for the first section then you get a a few jumps towards he bottom. i didnt notice the 4x changed at all.

Had a really good day tho, tried the dirt jumps for the first time and by the end i was clearing the 3rd jump, but couldnt quite get the 4th!


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