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 Post subject: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:02 pm 
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Posts: 1335

This isnt good news if you are thinking of visiting this summer (as I am). Of course there is still plenty to do, (I prefer the Les Gets stuff anyway), but if you are staying in Morzine, it may be difficult to get to Les Gets (normally its a DH ride from top of Pleney to Lets Gets), but to get to LG from Morzine is all uphill (unless there are other options).

Stuff still open (I assume) is the Les Gets runs, the SuperMorzine/Zore Runs (and a bit further from there, the Les Lindarets/Avoriaz stuff..and bit further still Chatel).

I can imagine the closure of the Pleney lift though may put a big dent in Morzine based businesses.


 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:46 am 
Posts: 6
Location: Morzine
Hi Andy,

I'm Jon from Ride & Slide in Morzine, first time on here as had never found this board before. Bit about me - grew up in Essex riding Langdon Hills / Epping Forest etc before moving out here 9 years ago.

We've just been informed about the Pleney closure for the summer - at the moment the only word any of us tour operators / chalet companies have had has been along the lines of 'go look at the vtt-morzine website to see what's happening'... not exactly good work on behalf of the Tourist Office and Mairie.

Anyway, we're looking in to what solution the town will be proposing for riders to get round to Les Gets - for our guests we'll probably be laying on a morning shuttle service to get you round there on days you want to ride that side - can't imagine many/any wanting to peddle round there! Different story on the way back of course.

As soon as I can get any more accurate word from the authorities out here about any kind of bus service / other options, then I'll post up to let you all know.

Ride & Slide

 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:24 am 
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Posts: 1335

Hiya Jon, my brother runs chalet there too..and hasnt heard anything, although they dont have masses of riders staying there compared to some of the bigger names, Riders Retreat, etc..but I can imagine if you are a Morzine based business it could be a worry, esp. if guests have already booked.

I can always grab a lift with a friend out there, but it could be of concern. I would of thought a sensible option would be for the powers that be to sort out an uplift service to top of Pleney..a service to Les Gets would be ok, but thats quite a bit further to drive.

I suppose this means that all the actual Pleney runs will be shut too ?, pity as they had just built some new table tops late last year.


 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:33 am 
Posts: 6
Location: Morzine
This is the problem we have - complete lack of information at the moment! Uplifts to top of Pleney would take longer than driving in to Les Gets as the top section of the way up is the steep gravel track.

Not sure what their plans are for the Pass-Portes event either - taking Pleney out splits the event in half.

Might be the only year the braking bumps on Pleney stay reasonable all summer long!


 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:03 pm 
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Posts: 1335
An update here for those interested >

Due to the renewal of its cable car, Pleney will be closed during all of summer 2013 (subject to the building permit acceptance).

But “La Crusaz” (for the sledge activity) and “La Pointe de Nyon” chair lifts (for the pedestrian activity) will be open.

Other options are currently under consideration to maintain MTB activites from the 8th of June from Morzine to other Portes du Soleil resorts and Les Gets.

More detailed information will be provided from the 30th of March. Thanks for your understanding.

And some more useful info here >

 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:45 pm 
Posts: 471
Location: canvey island { aka THE ROCK }
Not looking good !!!

Yeti 575
cannondale sl4

 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:54 pm 
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Posts: 1335
Well, still got all the super morzine/zore runs (this is lift opp Pleney) and the stuff beyond that (linderats, chatel) and im sure theyll run some sort of uplift between les gets or ill hassle chalet manager Paul to chuck bikes in van n drive up :) its not gonna stop my summer fun !


 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:04 pm 
Posts: 6
Location: Morzine
I've been in talks with Tourist Office and lift company - they're keen to point out that Pleney isn't the only lift that runs from Morzine although they fail to see that they should have come up with a solution/work around before announcing the closure.

Current situation; there are a number of meetings over the next couple of weeks and it sounds like enough chalet companies / tour operators have kicked up to make them realise the error of their ways and hopefully get something sorted. Personal opinion is the only thing they'll be able to offer is a bus service round to Les Gets.

For us, I think we'll just run a minibus service round to Les Gets for guests that want to ride that side.

Still have to see this as a good thing in the long-term - a new Pleney lift can only be a good thing, but dealing with the impact for this summer has been woefully ignored by the powers-that-be out here.

 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:30 pm 
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Posts: 3602
Sounds like bad planning. I imagine a lot of people have already booked to stay in Morzine. Any idea of the spec of the chairlift they are putting in.. The old bubble wasn't brilliant.

 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:43 pm 
Posts: 6
Location: Morzine
Bad planning / complete disregard of where they earn their money... i think bad pr is the biggest problem as talks are on going about what to do about things but the lift company just went ahead and announced "we're closed!" without consulting anyone...

No word of what will be going in instead of Pleney but looking at volume of traffic I would expect it to be something like the new prodains lift that should be opening next month - Super Morzine on steroids - 10 bodies per bubble type thing.

All of this is still subject to planning approval - that's in with the authorities in Annecy and if they turn round and say no it's likely Pleney will be open!

 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:08 am 
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Posts: 1335

Thanks for the info, useful, Ill pass it bruv already had some people cancel.

The laidback/lack of planning/red tape is something that we often appreciate about mainland Europe, and anyone who's visited will no doubt agree that its a very relaxed town but sometimes a bit of planning is required :). Still it is a town where deciding to pop to the supermarket to get some food at lunchtime is problematic :)..Thanks god the good ol Spar is open lunchtimes.

Still..The bubble chairlift was rather naff, not too mention boiling hot.


 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:05 pm 
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Posts: 1335
From the lovely Dirty Girls Ride site > ... 4228828438

"Word is super morzine lift will open early on 15 June to make up for the pleney not running and there will be a bus service between zine and lea gets. Will keep you posted!"

 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:19 pm 
Posts: 6
Location: Morzine
Just had word on shuttle service to les gets as well... More info to follow when I get on a computer tomorrow.

 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:08 am 
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Posts: 1335
RideSlide, Ta for that there is more info thanks to Dirty Girls FB page >

“To ensure MTB activities, the local councils and the lift companies of Morzine-Avoriaz and Les Gets, will put in place the following solutions:

· Early opening, from the 15th of June 2013, of the Super Morzine gondola and the “Zore” chairlift. From the 28th of June, an earlier opening time of 08:30am and a 50% increase in the flow-rate will ensure free-flowing traffic.

· A bus service adapted for carrying Mountain Bikes will be run daily between the resorts of Morzine and Les Gets from the 28th of June to the 1st of September 2013 (dates inclusive). This bus service will be reserved for those with a Portes du Soleil lift pass.

· The Mountain Bike tracks between the resorts of Morzine and Les Gets will be marked out, signposted and maintained.

So things are looking up :)

Not quite sure about last sentence, the track from Morzine to Les Gets is surely all downhill and is only any use if you can get to the top of Pleney, which you can't !, but of course there are various routes from Les Gets to Morzine, the red route from top of Chavnnes and the road/Porte du Soliel route back, and they could prob both do with better signposting.


 Post subject: Re: Pleney, Morzine shut this summer
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:31 pm 
Posts: 2
[url]You can also find this info on our official website :[/url]

The Pléney gondola will be replaced with new lift equipment for winter 2013/14. This key new lift will provide improved capacity and better access to the winter ski area and for summer Mountain Biking in Morzine . Ground level access to the top and bottom lift stations will make for quicker access and ease of use.

As we await the opening of this new lift, and due to the scale of the works involved, the Pléney gondola will be closed for the 2013 summer season.

To ensure MTB activities, the local councils and the lift companies of Morzine-Avoriaz and Les Gets, will put in place the following solutions:

• Early opening, from the 15th of June 2013, of the Super Morzine gondola and the “Zore” chairlift. From the 28th of June, an earlier opening time of 08:30am and a 50% increase in the flow-rate will ensure free-flowing traffic.
• A bus service adapted for carrying Mountain Bikes will be run daily between the resorts of Morzine and Les Gets from the 28th of June to the 1st of September 2013 (dates inclusive). This bus service will be reserved for those with a Portes du Soleil lift pass.
• The Mountain Bike tracks between the resorts of Morzine and Les Gets will be marked out, signposted and maintained.

Further steps are also being examined to safeguard Mountain Biking in the Pléney area, and improve the flow capacity of the lift links between Morzine and Les Gets, by way of the the “Crusaz” and “Mouilles” chairlifts. More information will follow on this subject as soon as possible.

Reminder of lift opening dates:
• Les Gets: Every weekend from the 25th of May and every day from the 15th of June to the
8th of September 2013.
• Morzine: Every day from the 15th of June to the 1st of September.
• Portes du Soleil: The lift links will open for the Pass’Portes du Soleil VTT, on the 28th of June, and will run until the 1st of September 2013; allowing access to the 23 lifts open this summer and linking the 12 resorts of the Franco-Swiss area.

Everyone involved in the resorts of Morzine-Avoriaz and Les Gets is working tirelessly to make sure that Mountain Biking, which is vital to our local tourist economy, goes ahead this summer.

All other infrastructure in the resort of Morzine will run as normal for the summer 2013 season:
• The “Crusaz” chairlift for pedestrians and summer toboggan.
• The “Pointe de Nyon” chairlift for pedestrians.

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