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 Post subject: Hello!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:47 pm 
Posts: 1
Hello, I've just joined the forum! I'm 16, and a keen MTB enthusiast! I haven't ridden for about 6 months now but I'm hopefully picking up a new bike Saturday and getting into trail riding as a little hobby on the weekends! I wondered if anyone/ any groups cycled up Laindon hills/Thorndon (as these are the closest trails to me) and fancied taking a ride out sometime as I used to hate riding alone!


 Post subject: Re: Hello!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:35 am 
User avatar
Posts: 2082
Location: Southend
Hi there,

yup there's a bunch that hit laindon and thorndon quite regularly, check out the ride calender in the top right of the window for up and coming rides

It doesn't matter what you ride

 Post subject: Re: Hello!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:10 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 1151
Location: Harold Wood
Hi mate :wave:
Yep ride Thorndon quite a lot ! popped over there last week but a proper quagmire at the mo!, seems all or any natural trails are some what flooded right now (poor drainage)!, They have a fire road loop that's ok as long as its dry!, Work nights so off most week days 'n' nice quite, less dog walkers! & ranger don't take much notice ;) But at 16 you'll loose him in no time trust me lol! :thumbup:

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