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 Post subject: Motorbike insurance and other much?
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:20 am 
Posts: 19
Location: Surrey Quays
Hi all,

I'm trying to understand how much I would be paying in a year to keep a motorbike. What I can't find is an insurance quote: I had a look online but they always ask you the model already, all your details, the date you bought the bike and all other stuff that of course I don't know because I still don't have a bike!
I would need just a rough idea, as an annual comparision with the crazy amount of money I spend on the national rail every year....
To give you some details:

- the bike would be 600/800 cc (naked bike like a Hornet for example)
- maximum 5 years old
- I am 29 and never got accidents (I did, but it happened when I was something like 17 so more than 10 years ago)
- I have the european licence for car and any kind of motorbike (done it when I was 16)

Any rough idea of how much I could spend for an insurance? More or less!

Thank you!

 Post subject: Re: Motorbike insurance and other much?
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 9:29 am 
User avatar
Posts: 2755
Location: Riding my bike somewhere
Errrr some of the Mountain Bike riders here ride motor bikes as well.. but predominantly this is a MTB forum

Whyte G-160RS

 Post subject: Re: Motorbike insurance and other much?
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 10:25 am 
Posts: 881
Prob budget for £500 a year. But go on bike trader find a bike you like and use its number plate to get an accurate quote, they'll be a box somewhere to tick that says you don't own the bike yet.

 Post subject: Re: Motorbike insurance and other much?
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 4:12 pm 
Posts: 19
Location: Surrey Quays
Thank you.
I know this is an mtb forum, but maybe there are some motorbike lovers on here as well that might know more!
Anyway, £500 would still be way much less than what I spend on the national rail and underground....

 Post subject: Re: Motorbike insurance and other much?
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 9:07 pm 
Posts: 317
Usually you can get a quote on a bike you may get. something like compare the market etc would only take 5 minutes to put some details in. why not use the hornet, with a purchase date don't need a registration. I have often used this when looking at getting a new car and want to see how the cost will change

 Post subject: Re: Motorbike insurance and other much?
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:50 pm 
Posts: 53
Try as well.

The price also depends on the bike..have a look at sv650n, fazer, gladius, street triple.

A quote for a 1000 was way cheaper than the super sports 600.

And make sure you chain it down otherwise some one will walk off with it...

 Post subject: Re: Motorbike insurance and other much?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:25 am 
User avatar
Posts: 21
Location: somewhere near you...
Mate you'll do well to insure a 5 year old bike for around 500 quid third party, let alone fully comp. There are so many factors involved with insuring a bike these days. Your location(is it an area that has a high stolen bike rate? Central and Greater London are definitely this), your age? How long since you last had bike insurance? Is there an alarm system fitted? When you passed your test? Type of bike? Estimated mileage? Will it be garaged? Will it be used for commuting? etc. etc.

A lot of these are largely due to born again bikers and noob's, buying something that they can't handle and subsequently throwing it down the road or getting bounced off by dimwit car drivers, because they don't have the skills necessary to negotiate today's busy roads. And to be fair car, bus, van and truck drivers don't give a fuck about bikers. That is a fact.

I see that you're intended use will be for commuting (to save money). This will seriously affect what you'll get insurance wise and how much you'll pay because I'm assuming you're wanting to commute into the city.
Any bike insurer will class you as a high risk rider because of many of the factors I've mentioned already. Your lack of riding time and experience level will go against you for sure.

If you're keen to pursue this, I'd first look into seeing if you're ready to take on riding into and out of the least bike friendly place on the planet. Central and Greater London.
I speak from experience here, as I worked as a courier a few years ago. I've been riding and racing bikes since I was 14 and to this day, the London area, is still the most dangerous place I've ever ridden.

You'd be better off getting yourself booked onto a refresher course with a reputable bike school for a couple of hundred quid first and get an assessment of where you're at, before dropping a load of cash on a bike and all the other stuff required. If you don't, it could cost you a lot more than money.

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