The first vid - shot in 2002 is legendary. The story is that he hit it for the first time on that jump, as it was so exposed he couldn't do any practice. Also consider that it as 2002 so technique, knowledge about building landings, and kit in those days, was a mile away from what we have now. I think it was probably a taller gap too. Info here ... jump-7785/ ... rance.html
The second video is essentially a tribute to what Dave did, but 12 years later. It took 6 months for EnchoRage to plan and they had multiple test runs.
Incidentally Dave Watson founded Sombrio. Im full of useless facts aren't I!
Respect to both but for me the old school maverick attempt, is the one I have the most admiration for. Any thoughts on how we replicate this on the Epping High Road are welcome