Where to begin!
Broxbourne ride Thursday afternoon followed by BBQ and beers and a so chilled catch up led to Mrs Grin saying around 11 ish... are you two actually going to get things ready for FoD

So seat ghetto tube cutting commences on Ninjas old saddle, as his drop post had seized up. Job done....after a bit of time! Everything thrown in car, woken at 2 a.m with the mega storm, jeez what's FoD gonna be like with those lovely roots, and set off 6 ish. Rain started and then cleared to blue sky's, arriving 9.30 after rotten service station drop in just before the M48 toll bridge. Round two, rear tyre replaced and ready to roll.
My god, it was so dry it was a dust bowl. Never seen it so good. Result!! Sooooooo much fun, place only had a dozen riders on the excellent and friendly as usual uplift. Met some really nice people and a few riders scoping for the weekend race. Big shout out to Sarah who whose an inspirational and skilful rider and her partner who showed me around some other routes and roots

So 15 uplifts later, pretty shagged out and decided we would get some munchies on satnav route home avoiding motorway back to London and about an hour in was giving up finding something and then a random stop and ninjas question to garage bloke gave us a pub a mile down a side ride. What a gem, idyllic location gardens running rivers, pond and superb food. Pure Bliss!! Will always go there in future , superb food and avoids the rush hour traffic near London. Such a great mellow drive back home, no traffic too. Another result!!!
Have to say , must be one of the best uplifts I have ever done. Great company , superb location and riding was really confidence inspiring and friendly uplift and beers in fridge when I got home lol
Happy days