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 Post subject: Mega
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:41 pm 
Posts: 355
Location: Hertford

I've gone and done it and entered the mega avalanche! Doing it through the guys at flow mtb who I have been with before on the SingleTrack reader week in 2009.

Interested in any advice from people who have done it before.

Also I am going to drive ( based on the amount of spares I plan to take) so if there are any fellow avalanchees on this site nearby (Hertford) who want to lift share?

Looking forward to giving the Nomad the spanking it deserves! ( John I stuck the coil shock on it last weekend and it rocks)


 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:02 pm 
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Posts: 3602
Super jealous mate - chris144 who I rode the N Downs with this weekend knows a lot about them - he is doing the Andorra leg this year with a crew.

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:35 pm 
Posts: 551
Sounds mega, with Jon on the superjealous, hhhmmmm time to research mega bikes for the future.

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:19 pm 
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Posts: 491
Evil wrote:

I've gone and done it and entered the mega avalanche! Doing it through the guys at flow mtb who I have been with before on the SingleTrack reader week in 2009.

Interested in any advice from people who have done it before.

Also I am going to drive ( based on the amount of spares I plan to take) so if there are any fellow avalanchees on this site nearby (Hertford) who want to lift share?

Looking forward to giving the Nomad the spanking it deserves! ( John I stuck the coil shock on it last weekend and it rocks)


Nigel - my mate Futete (aka Gary) is also signed up for this years Mega - I'm sure he'd be happy to meet up in Alpe D'Huez - I'll let him know you'll be there as well.


 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am 
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Posts: 130
Location: Die Schweiz
Nice one Nige, definitely on my list to do.
We will have to get a crew together one year.

gladdice wrote:
hhhmmmm time to research mega bikes for the future.

Quite like the idea of this, will be a serious option for me as an all-round beast - build it up lighter, and will be a bit longer/better geo than the Wildcard for all mountain riding...

"It's a cold, miserable day.. but that's what makes us tougher than those boys"

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:57 am 
Posts: 136
Hello Evil,

As Jon pointed out I’m off to Andorra in a couple of weeks for one of the Maxi races. In terms of advice, I haven’t done the Meg but from friend's experience and the vids, I would suggest that if you have a triple crown full suss DH rig, take that over a single crown AM bike. i'm ceratain that there a couple of hprrid peddaly sections but overall, I'm sure you will have more fun on a full on DH rig.

If you are driving and have plenty of space, obviously take as many spares as you can. I suggest that you pack the least obvious spares (as these will be most difficult/ time consuming to replace). So a spare rear mech hanger (or 2) is always handy as your weekend could be ruined with any unannounced meetings with some rocks. Don’t know what your fitness levels are like, but obviously, the fitter you are the more you will enjoy it. Other than that, have fun and be careful.

Also, if the entry conditions are the same for the Meg, (i think that they will be) on registratiion day in you will need to produce a valid racing licence or a letter from your Dr, confirming that you are fit and healthy to ride (£10, last year)

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am 
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Posts: 729
Nice one Nigel, good luck with that.

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:22 am 
Posts: 5
Hello mate.
I signed up for the Mega earlier in the year.
I'm driving down and staying with a friend in Morzine earlier in the week and then camping at Oz campsite for the quali's and race.
I'll be on a 6" bike (Enduro SL) with a dropper seatpost and double ply tyres. Or maybe single ply, steel bead with DH tubes. (haven't decided, but I'll be taking lots of each)
Advice received so far:
Fitness - Cardio is important - but not critical. You should be doing a couple of 2 hour bike rides a week. 2 hours cardio will see you through the whole race. There are a couple of pedally uphill sections, but its nothing major.
- Strength is very important. Lots of pushups, pullups and core strength building. Its a hard course and arm pump will not be good.
If anything, the qualifier is apparently harder. It starts about a 1/3 of the way down the course and has a few fairly large drops/step downs etc.
A full face helmet is mandatory.
The only thing I'm really struggling with is the doctors note. If you're note race licensed, you need a doctors note to say you are "fit and able to participate in the race/event" but I don't know any specifics for sure. Any help on what is required for this doctors letter would be appreciated.

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 4:40 pm 
Posts: 136
"The only thing I'm really struggling with is the doctors note. If you're note race licensed, you need a doctors note to say you are "fit and able to participate in the race/event" but I don't know any specifics for sure. Any help on what is required for this doctors letter would be appreciated."

Last year was straightforward enough... I booked an appointment with my GP, explained that I needed a letter to compete in the race. He then took my blood pressure and heart rate befor agreeing to write, date and sign the letter which read quite simply: I confirm that .............................. is fit and able to compete in the following race.

I took a photcopy of the letter to the race and upon registration showed it to the French speaking lady, who just about glanced at it and job done.

As I said, I was charged £10 for th letter and I think that they stalled me for a couple of days, before I was able collect. Perhaps I should point out that my Dr seemed particularly mellow about the whole thing; Yours might be a little more stringent, so it may be an idea to pop in sooner rather than later, to safeguard against any last minute inconveniences

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 pm 
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Posts: 3602
Your doc will like it as its an easy appointment for them to do - they wont mind at all ;)

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 6:40 pm 
Posts: 5
Great stuff.
Thanks Chris.

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:46 pm 
Posts: 5
Hi Evil
In follow up to my previous post about a doctors note..
A bit of digging around has revealed that most French sporting events require a doctors note, or Certificat Medical Obligatoire.
I printed this one: ... cal_fr.pdf
And took it to my docs.
Blood pressure reading, heart listened to and then signed.........£10 all done.

Can't ride the Mega without a Certificat........

 Post subject: Re: Mega
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:41 pm 
Posts: 291
Let us know how it all goes, I'm gutted I couldn't go this year, next year I'll make sure to book my holiday early.

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