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 Post subject: Old codger here
PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 9:30 am 
Posts: 3
After 5 years commuting and riding road bikes (over 25,000 miles covered!), I have finally got rid of them and just brought a scott scale 950, live close to hadleigh so will hopefully get along and try out the old Olympic track at some point, haven't been proper mountain biking for years (cough cough 28years or so),so looking forward to falling off trying to impress the youngsters :)

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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 11:13 am 
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Posts: 5060
Take it carefully over there, not the safest of places. Loads to ride around locally to there though.

Pedal-worx racing

Bike piccys!

 Post subject: Re: old codger here
PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 11:37 am 
Posts: 3
Is that in the build quality or other riders that make it not the safest of places?.

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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 11:45 am 
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Posts: 5060
Neither, people forget that it was built for the best riders in the world. The green trails are easy paths but the obstacles on the main paths you can get very wrong.

Pedal-worx racing

Bike piccys!

 Post subject: Re: old codger here
PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 11:49 am 
Posts: 3
That's good to hear in one aspect, when I visit I would go on the green and blue runs to get a feel for it, and then go onto the harder routes. I will also try and get over to Danbury and have a loot around there as well.

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