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 Post subject: New rider trails at High Beach.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:22 pm 
Posts: 5
Hello all. I'm new to mountain biking and I've just bought a Voodoo Bizango and I'm ready to go check out some trails!

I don't live too far from Epping and I'm very familiar with the roads around High Beach and the huts from my days riding motorbikes, which I've recently given up for safety reasons.

I know there are some trails around High Beach and I was wondering which ones would be good for a beginner and how I can get to them!

Any general tips would be amazing too.

Thanks a lot. Phil.

 Post subject: Re: New rider trails at High Beach.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:13 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 350
Welcome along.

Starting out your best bet would be to stick to the fire roads initially. You can get on one 100 yards up from the bikers hut. You will see trails off to the side you could try when the mood takes you. These are more often intermediate but 9 times out of ten you will finish on another fire road so should be able to build up a little route.

As far as Epping goes its prettty dry at the moment so a good time to see whats where. Once the rains come back lots of it turns into mud.

I have been a busy bee recently and started to add a few trails to trailforks, purely so I can see whats where and how to link them. I've mainly added trails I find enjoyable which means they mostly point downwards and probabbly not for starting out :) But I have mapped a few fire roads and greens too, take a look:

Hope that helps.

 Post subject: Re: New rider trails at High Beach.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:55 pm 
Posts: 5
Thanks mate. That's great. Do you mean Bradley's but or the bicycle one further up next to the pub?

What are Fire Roads?

 Post subject: Re: New rider trails at High Beach.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:53 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 350
The motorbike one, if you look up the road there is a crossing by the width restriction.

Fire Roads are smooth(ish) hardpack dirt tracks wide enough for a vehicle so the emergency services can access the forest.

 Post subject: Re: New rider trails at High Beach.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:58 pm 
Posts: 5
I think I know where you mean, off the main road and towards the forest?

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