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 Post subject: Nervousness about meeting up!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:51 pm 
Posts: 388
Location: near Basildon

I see rides on here and I proper want to meet up. But...

...I've never met up with riders off the board and a bit worried I'll be a load of crap (which I know I'm not).

And what's the normal ride meet like? Sounds stupid I know....

 Post subject: Re: Nervousness about meeting up!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:55 pm 
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Posts: 734
Location: South Woodford
I think the only prerequisite for riding is to be "keen". As long as you stoked on riding you will be fine mate!


 Post subject: Re: Nervousness about meeting up!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:06 pm 
Posts: 70
Location: Brroxbourne
DMRdan wrote:

I see rides on here and I proper want to meet up. But...

...I've never met up with riders off the board and a bit worried I'll be a load of crap (which I know I'm not).

And what's the normal ride meet like? Sounds stupid I know....


I'm a girlie and I met up at high beech on my own last weekend.
All a good bunch and it was really good fun.


 Post subject: Re: Nervousness about meeting up!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:10 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 601
DMRdan wrote:

I see rides on here and I proper want to meet up. But...

...I've never met up with riders off the board and a bit worried I'll be a load of crap (which I know I'm not).

And what's the normal ride meet like? Sounds stupid I know....

I wouldnt worry to much dan, the initiation is over within an hour. :mrgreen:

Its easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.

 Post subject: Re: Nervousness about meeting up!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:20 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 336
Grand Master ninja likes a good hazing, paddle or slipper? lol Seriously though if you like riding and want to ride with others we are all welcoming whatever your ability.


 Post subject: Re: Nervousness about meeting up!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:34 pm 
Posts: 388
Location: near Basildon
Cheers for the replies! Gonna just get involved once I've got my chain device delivered and fitted!

(chicksands 4x logs pointed out a minor flaw in my otherwise sweet bike lol)

 Post subject: Re: Nervousness about meeting up!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:08 pm 
Posts: 291
Don't worry I'll be crap with you for a week or so.

Stupid hand has stitches in but I'll be out riding. I know I shouldn't but I'm a fool sometimes.

 Post subject: Re: Nervousness about meeting up!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:09 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 3602
ninja wrote:
I wouldnt worry to much dan, the initiation is over within an hour. :mrgreen:


DMRdan - XC wise - normal Epping weekend rides are very mellow. Damos Thorndon ride seems to be quite chilled too. If im organising a fast one I usually states that thats the case in the post as do most others. With the DH Jump rides it doesn't matter what ur skill level is as the venues are so compact.

Everyone on here is super friendly - its all just about having fun on a bike!

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