Well, I finally rode the Alps in Les Gets, and it was an amazing experience. In no way like the Mega and top respect to Nige on qualifying and finishing.
Family holiday so mixture of walking and biking and trips over to Chamonix and visiting the top of the Aguille di Midi (3800m) , were it was snowing and looking down on dozens of mountaineers camping on the glacier!! Magic day.
Biking was epic and draining and I LOVED IT!! Rode 5 days out of 6 (Blues and Reds DH off the Chavannes with a bit of Northshore helter skelter! and a Green DH with Mrs Grin on the Mont Cherry which went realy well and she wants to do more, so more holidays on the cards

Thunder earlier in the week but the rain didnt impact the trails, lucky it was only Thursday night it when it chucked it down & stop and start during Friday where the result was very greasy under the trees and tough on the Black DH rooty descent, didnt manage that to well but great learning curve, first Black DH too, shame Crash & I didnt do them earlier in the week)
Fantastic that Northern made it over and rode with us Friday, and mucho thanks for leading me into the biggest gap jump i have ever done, loved it and all the trainning kicked in, sweeet landings each time. Thanks to Adam who had video on his phone we were able to capture the moment and he will post up in the gallery for me
All in all a brilliant holiday, the Alps in the summer are amazing ( up till now only visited for snowboarding) and this has given me the confidence to do other trips with the boys next year.
Loads of photos and I will try and get some of them up when I finally work out how too as I need to make the file size smaller.