Simon wrote:
chatman wrote:
Simon wrote:
Quick update on london to southend off road, 1 september,starting at hornchurch football club RM14 2LY!riding through ingrebourne valley,rainham marshes etc...along way off i know but will be putting this one in my calendar for sure

You sure on that post code as it gives me a place near redbridge Essex???
Thats what it gives on there site,but did mess around on the works computors

Yea see it now.. Some reason i thought it was the wrong location.. But it is right.. Then cycle across to saaaarf end, or hadleigh in this case.. Should be a nice easy route as not many hills around their and probably some of the route we may know already...
So who's up for this then... We can all converge on sarrf end at the end for a beer by the see front...