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 Post subject: Re: First aid training
PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:43 pm 
Posts: 317
I have used both red cross and St Johns. We currently use red cross at work as we contract to them. I personally find the red cross focus more on diognosis once they have covered the solution. As a result I felt much more confident in dealing with a situation. I found that St Johns focus more on the solution we which is great if all you deal with is cut or obvious bleeding but for the situations where you need to diagnose the issue I came away worried I would incorrectly diagnose.

Depending where you go the red cross full course is about 300 quid. 1 day course is about 90. Its more like 3/4 of a day and I feel that it is more aimed at supporting a full trained person or minor injuries than dealing with a major incident on their own.

 Post subject: Re: First aid training
PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:28 pm 
Posts: 238
I've done a 4 day emergency first aid with St. John's through work.. Thankfully I've only had to deal with my own injuries but capable of dealing with issues while the professionals eventually arrive.

 Post subject: Re: First aid training
PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:44 pm 
Posts: 635
HI ,
Done the work one twice not recent but do go for a refresher every now again.
Dont rate myself as a first aider but when s.... hits the fan I deal with it and surprising what you remember.
Carry a aid box but to be honest I have enough weight to carry already.
There is a rule that you should go out with someone for this reason .

I think it is dangerous on the roads as a bus near took me out over taking me then swinging in and stopping at bus stop.

Enough of that it is a new year .
Safe riding.
p S when I come that get up and RUN ......

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