Thought I'd post up here as there is a few of you guys
that I ride with
that I don't see outside bikes.
March 3rd I had a huge motox accident and broke my pelvis. 3 weeks before I was getting married!
With my track record of falling off on the DH bike, Kim banned me from riding 4 weeks before the wedding, but I spotted a loop hole! she never mentioned motox! So in my infinate wisdom I went up to Besthorpe, Norwich.
Short story is, the throttle got stuck wideopen and I crashed, over the top of a 8ft high berm, thrown in the air approx 15-18ft apparently and to top it all of the bike landed on my back. Snapped my pelvis and fractured my spine.
Not particularly handy...
I havent got any before xrays, but I have a this picture
that the surgeon left me. Pretty obvious but basically the black squiggley lines are the breaks,they werent
that concerned by the spine fracture as it was only on the small stabilisation arms on the vertebra.
And here is the after shot.
I've now got 3 months with no weight allowed on my left leg so am stuck on crutches and a wheelchair now! Then I can start physio in June time.
Long road to recovery but I'm nearly a month into it now, I booked flights to see a mate in Whistler at the end of July so its touch and go at the moment if I'll be fit and ready
for 5 weeks out there.
Anyway thanks
for listening I'm of to go practice my wheelies in the wheelchair.