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 Post subject: Trailforks
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:47 pm 
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Posts: 350
Anyone using it? I'm currently finding it quite addictive for both searching out the next new trail and adding new trails to help build up an picture of our local area and beyond and linking them into routes. I have already added quite a bit of Epping to it and a few other local spots.

I do also worry about the documentation of the trails and the impact that it may have, either good or bad. There is an option to hide sensitive trails, but what reasons do you think we shoud use it?

And lastly if you have Strava and Pinkbike accounts please link them on Trailforks as this will help to build up an off road only heatmap which should be a valuable new resource of information for mountain bikers.

 Post subject: Re: Trailforks
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:45 pm 
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Posts: 118
Yep. Can see you've been busy round Worml@y Woods as well :-)

 Post subject: Re: Trailforks
PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:13 pm 
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Posts: 350
Yeah stuck a few on there the other week, but not being exactly local it was difficult to find my way around.

On a side note I went back to some trails I added in Weyborne today and the wooden features had been ripped out and vauge signs erected saying there had been some "incidents" and the banning of some kind of bikes but it was so vauge it could have been construed as meaning motorcycles. Makes you wonder how much publicising the trails brings the wrong kind of people there, or was it something blown out of proportion, who knows?

 Post subject: Re: Trailforks
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:43 pm 
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Posts: 118
Well I guess we know now.

W0rml@y has been completely flattened, (though that is probably a coincidence) - Notices and Redtape everywhere

I think "outing" stealth trails created by others is not very productive overall, especially since if you had pm'd us, we would have been more that happy to send you a gpx

Though I am glad to see, you have renamed have your "RaceTrack"

 Post subject: Re: Trailforks
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:26 am 
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Posts: 45
Location: Moonbase Alpha
MarkL wrote:
Well I guess we know now.

W0rml@y has been completely flattened, (though that is probably a coincidence) - Notices and Redtape everywhere

I think "outing" stealth trails created by others is not very productive overall, especially since if you had pm'd us, we would have been more that happy to send you a gpx

Though I am glad to see, you have renamed have your "RaceTrack"

What he said :shock:

 Post subject: Re: Trailforks
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:44 am 
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Posts: 350
The signs next to the trails were up before I put them on Trailforks, so it looked like something was going to happen anyway. I put them on there in the hope the historic evidence that they were there may help with justification of them, show that they get used etc. Not exactly stealth if they are already aware of them.

They are available to view on Strava and have been for some time, That is all I basically did, transfer the details from there. I didn't edit that track, anyone is able to add edit or delete, so if you think something is wrong or shouldn't be there you can edit it yourself. Feel free to edit or remove things if you think it helps the cause.

At the end of the day that is the whole point of this thread. Trailforks is a great resource that we all need to learn how use to better the MTB community rather than hinder it. For instance I have added other secret stuff people have announced as a questionable area and marked it sensitive. It does not show on the map or pop up if someone rides it.

So if there are sensitive trails in the local area that have not been added, it would probably be best to add them and mark them sensitive before someone else does, or at least post up on this thread with a vague/rough description so the wider community can get an idea of how to treat a particular trail.

I am deeply sorry If any of my actions do lead to a trail being closed, it is truly the last thing that I want to happen :(

 Post subject: Re: Trailforks
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:49 pm 
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Posts: 118
We have tried the justification thing and the responsible use thing (keeping well away from walkers) and the only using natural materials from site thing.

To be fair, the timing was probably a coincidence. though I still think posting trails up is provocative

First rule of bike club and all that !!

Still least we got a summer out of it and I now know what I should be doing whilst in the countryside - tieing bags of dog-crap to trees is my next hobby

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