So… about 2 years ago I remember having a chat with a few peeps about setting a site like this up. The idea was to have a place where there was always a ride going on. I put a few designs out to the original members for feedback and got a great steer from them on what they wanted to see. Finally the site went live with this post ... 9.html#p19 (yeaaaa drew the spew! Never ride on a hangover) but it wasn’t really released to the wild until May 2010.
Its awesome to see rides going on all the time now. There always seem to be options of a weekend of an XC ride or a jumpy ride which is exactly what we wanted to happen. Thus far it seems to be a cool and chilled out place to ebike and there have been some wicked riding days / trips which have come about from posts on here. Thanks to everyone who has or is contributing!
Anyway the reason for the history lesson is to give some background, in preparation for a bit of a look ahead. Coming up I’m thinking of… (brain dump time)
1. Looking into Google adwords – yea ads I know.. boo hiss… but id like some funds to invest in some software to help automate some tasks pay fees etc. User contributions never work unfortunately. Im sure they can be integrated to look sweet. TBH I think revenue might be pitiful but only one way to find out. I might trial it for a month or so. Linking with local bike shops might be a neater option but would take time to organise.
2. Using funds generated from above to work on a media bin idea where all assets are in one place and can be pulled in round the site.. V optimistic in the short term.
3. Custom 404 – just cos I fancy it – lots of pics of crashes should do the trick.
4. Fix misreported posts at the bottom of the forum.
5. Fix the mark as read which has to be clicked twice and is a little funky.
6. Add in extra venues to map dirt jumping in Essex, Langdon hills.
7. Tweak / automate homepage gallery.
8. Work on LinkPopularity as we have some bad ass content but Google doesn’t always pick it up.
There are some areas where you guys can help.
1. Link back to this site where you can – other forum sigs (mtbr pinkbike etc).
2. Take pics / vids – they really bring the site to life and it’s great to get some fresh eye candy on the site which isn’t from me.
3. Keep the suggestions for changes tweaks coming. I can’t act on them all but they are good to hear.. Anything which requires manual maintaince or requires loads of dev will always be tricky.
4. Report any bugs or site madness you see.
5. Let me know if you are a PHP / Web designer legend with some free time as I’m always having ideas to streamline the site but don’t always have the skills.
6. Let me know if there are any venues you want listed which arnt on the map.
Feedback welcome
Okay…thats enough ebiking lets go slay the brown pow