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 Post subject: America
PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:52 pm 
Posts: 927
Location: Enfield
I bought a avid hs1 rotors from a guy in america . he is great guy . he has a bike store and is a main dealer for transition . he can get you anything you like even from pinkbike . he said that if i like any bike on pinkbike he will buy it for me and then he will try to send it for as low as he can . of course after i pay him :) . so he said to give his info to my friends and he will be happy to help . i think there are some bikes much cheaper in america even with postage then in here or europe . so if anyone is in need of anything just say you have his mail address from Stefan with big hit 1

 Post subject: Re: america
PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:26 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 336
Only problem is that if you get caught with import duty there may be a lot of money to pay but sounds good, especially stuff only available state side.


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