Hmmmm not brill news this ... 195.0.htmlI went digging on SDH to see if there was any updates on there
Ok - you guys didn't know, but the park future was hanging in the balance over the last few weeks. Wayne the guy who runs the park with me (otherwise known as d**k Dastardly/Dale Winton!) is feeling the need to retire from park duties, therefore leaving me with whole project on my shoulders. After many sleepless nights I've decided to crack on with the project - setting myself up for another 5 years of toil!
I'm currently working on a plan which will see the park grow with loads more trails and events and also let you guys have more involvement as I know there is loads of you who want to help out.
Got many things to get sorted, first on the list is getting the uplift running - the next uplift won't be until the end of May (going to do a surprise ground force job on my mum's garden as she's recovering from breast cancer and having a holiday in two weeks Wink )
Anyone know of a good insurance broker I can deal with for getting cover for the uplift truck?
Post up and give him a hi 5 - it will be great to see ukbp live on