Loads of the way up White's level climb we came to what seemed a junction with the signs missing off the marker post. We stopped, off the edge of the trail, to try to figure which way to go.
One guy comes along... As he's passing I ask if straight ahead is the way but he doesn't even acknowledge us.
Next thing we hear from behind is "Get out of the way lads"... "Get out of the way"
As he's passing I ask this tosser if he actually meant to say "Excuse me please" to which he shouts back "No, I meant get out of the F*cking Way"
Anyway, he fecks off and we jump straight on the trail, then realising his mate was behind us now. We carry on at a descent (buy ours anyway) pace.
Come to a steep switchback and I nearly fall off so put a foot down and he nearly runs into me.. I politely pull bike out of way and tell him to go through, he acknowledges and I tell him he has a lot manners than his pri*k of a mate and he apologises.
Seems he then caught up with Clay who let him through also, further letting him know his mate is a knob
We get to the top and they're there and our leader who was there before them heard them going on about us but didn't realise it was us they were referring to
Needless to say, when we arrived, they had absolutely nothing whatsoever to say on the matter