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 Post subject: Deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:17 am 
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Posts: 2082
Location: Southend
Dont suppose anyone's got a deore (590?) pad spacer ? i need to bleed my brakes and dont think i have one :evil: and cant seem to find one anywhere !

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 Post subject: Deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:21 am 
Posts: 161
unityjon wrote:
dont suppose anyone's got a deore (590?) pad spacer ? i need to bleed my brakes and dont think i have one :evil: and cant seem to find one anywhere !

I don't know if it will work on yours, I have a different Deore brake and when I took it into they bike shop the folded a piece of card lol and used that instead, when I questioned it they said it does exactly the same job

 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:55 am 
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Yeah its just something to stop the piston moving but rather than shove something random in there i thought i'd at least ask first LOL

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 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:45 am 
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Could you not use any old piston spacer?

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 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:49 am 
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 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:50 am 
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Posts: 2082
Location: Southend
Guess so as long as its the right thickness and stays in place with out moving, i'll measure the gap and shove something like a small spanner or bit of quarter plate ground down to fit in there, just need some fluid now, will pick some up on my way home from work and make a mess later as we're out riding tonight and i'd really like some brakes,especially if its gong to be wet !

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 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:54 am 
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15mm ring ended spanner was what i used to use before i got the right kit

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 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:24 pm 
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Location: Southend
Well the trouble with planning to do a job on your bike whilst your nowhere near it is that will all the best intention you mess it up!

I got home with some fluid and found a pair of pad spacers that came with the brakes when they were new but its not a thick yellow block thing like in the pics and also the wrong colour so i just shoved them both in to stop the pistons moving and then realised that my actual brakes are the new version and require that little yellow funnel thing with a plug in it.... <sigh> still i managed to top th e reservoirs up and also squeeze a little air out (phnaaar!) will have to do until my funnel arrives !

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 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:36 pm 
Posts: 317
What does the funnel do and more importantly where does it go? ive got to sort out a new set of brakes that need the cabels shortening so will need to bleed them afterwards.

 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:19 pm 
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The funnel pops into the reservoir in the top of the lever and has a small plunger inside with an 'o'ring to make a seal, you push the funnel in and fill it with fluid, bleed the brakes then push the plunger into the center of the funnel and it plugs it so the fluid doesnt pour out, CRC doing them for £4 delivered :O)


make sure your brakes require this system as its a little specific, its where i went wrong LOL

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 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:40 pm 
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Posts: 1166
The funnel is only for the latest Shimano brakes. Got to get one myself at some point. Manage to swap the hose over (bought from XT's Germany so were the 'wrong way' and shorten it without needing to bleed the brakes, plus Shimano give you a spare olive and insert for doing this and supply the instructions. Was pretty easy. Saying that, I have the 'thick yellow block thing' you might be after!

 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:33 pm 
Posts: 317
Eccles, my SLX are coming from Germany, and like you say will need the levers switching. I was thinking it wasnt going to be worth the saving until I realised that I would need to trim the cables anyway so it was a no brainer in the end. £50 cheaper than the cheapest available here.

Hopefully they will have the extra oliveas well then

 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:05 pm 
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Posts: 1166
Should do. I got mine from Both in proper xt boxes and only £141 (exchange rate is not as good now).

 Post subject: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:41 pm 
Posts: 317
They didnt have the rear brake in stock, got mine from rose bikes.

 Post subject: Re: Re: deore pad spacer ?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:02 am 
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Posts: 2082
Location: Southend
Eccles wrote:
I have the 'thick yellow block thing' you might be after!

Cool any chance you could measure its thickness and I can substitute out with something add my funnel should arrive by the weekend!

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