unityjon wrote:
Wearing a helmet is a personal choice whilst on public land and that's the law, you cant dictate otherwise no matter who you think you are. I choose to wear one and i think its courteous to do so for the benefit of those around you, but i don't need to or appreciate being be told to do so.
Unfortunately any club - which is just another form of institution - will always have those who revel in the power of telling people what to do. These sort of people will wind others up. Maybe its the way they are saying it rather than what they are saying?
The being told you cant join a group unless you wear a helmet raises an interesting debate. There is a fine line where your personal choice starts to affect those around you. IMO someones choice of not wearing a helmet on a ride, could potentially have a huge impact on those in their group, not just them. That crosses the line and as such I feel the group has the right to specify what they do. Law or no law.
Ive cleaned up friends who have had stacks, and its not nice. Ive also been cleaned up by friends after ive stacked and have seen the burden it puts on them. Head injuries would take that to a level I wouldn't want to have to deal with.