For the 'arranging rides' section of the forum, rather then having the subject box, split into a location box and a date box, then it puts the 2 together into the title as: place - date for you so then it will make people have all the info needed in the tit
Good suggestion... ill look into it. Messing with phpbbs out of the box functionality often results in carnage however.
just one suggestion, can the 'regular' rides be updated aswell, as ive got no idea of when and where these are, will also be helpful for newbies to the site.
LOl I don't really know when they are on either...It would be great to have all the regular rides on there. However at the mo, no one really posts these up.. there are a few alluded to in threads but no posts with detailed info. Unless the ride is 100% the same time and location every time then its better for whoever's organizing them, to post up each week. Northern and I do that for the Thursday Pm Epping ride. It takes 30 secs and is in the calendar when one is on.