luvinit wrote:
i use this all my own body weight stuff!
cheers for the link it reminded me i've been meaning to pick one up!
i tried making a bar from some scaffolding in the shed but its not the same
ggg wrote:
I used to train a lot a few years ago and the general rule was that If you cant do 20 press ups 20 pull ups and 20 body weight squats then you shouldnt touch a weight. making your body adapt to its own weight through a full range of motion first is a great basis for most sport.
I agree with unityjon that the best way to get fit for riding is probobly just to ride, but you working with weights off a swiss ball will help with stability and fast twitch muscles, and probobly stop you carring round muscle bulk that wont beifit you riding at all....
this is why i stopped going to the gym, i used to do more injuries in the gym than i did biking! and i hate having time off the bike due to injury!